Advanced Solutions for Deeper Knowledge
Online Training
Online training is a one-to-one customized process that aims to improve methodological skills of the researcher.
Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Online Training (Atlas.ti, MAXQDA, NVivo, QDAMiner, etc.)
Do you have your data, and do you want to move on to the analysis process with the right analytical strategy and the right tools? Then, one-to-one online training and guidance is the best option for you. First of all, it will save your money and your time. You don't have to travel far or spend a whole day to get a standard (uncustomized) training. Instead, you will directly start working on your data with the guidance of an expert, and you will make clear & safe steps forward. It is absolutely not necessary to learn a computer programme as a whole package. The best way to benefit from a computer programme is to use it in your analysis. Software functions must accompany your methodological needs. Not the contrary.
Start with one-hour training sessions by filling the online training form. Dr. Elif Kuş Saillard will get you back in a few days, and you will decide the starting date together. Based on your needs the training could last only a few hours in total or it could be a longer lasting package with discount. You will have a 'homework' after each training session, and the next one will start when you are ready. A training session is normally 60 minutes, and won't last more than 90 minutes if needed.
The fee for one-hour training is 80 Euros.
Special Offer
If you are a beginner in the computer-aided data analysis, a five-hour programme is available for you. Everything from coding to reporting is included in this five hours programme. The total discounted price for this programme is 300 Euros.