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Maybe you have just stepped into the social research process, you are doing a thesis, or maybe you are new to qualitative methods as an experienced researcher. Maybe you are looking for new ideas, you want a new and interesting research topic.

In the rapidly transforming digital world, you question where you will position your research in "virtual-real" combinations.

You are at the very beginning of the process or you say "I want to start the analysis, my data is ready".

Wherever you are on the journey, I intend to listen to you and light your way.
To research people 'qualitatively' means that you intend to understand them. This is beyond algorithms. Let me show you how best to do this. I am here to listen to you.
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You are not alone in your 'analysis' process

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Kuş Saillard. She was a guide for my thesis, enlightened me by qualitative reasoning. She was with me step by step during analysis and reporting. I learned qualitative analysis...

Sevda Sarı Demir, Ph.D. thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 2014, viii


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